javascript - Smart file component(html5smartfile) not working -

i have been working on developing custom extjs console enable author drop asset using html5smartfile component. somehow, html5smartfile component not working way should. area author can drop asset not displaying. same working fine if creating cq5 dialog. in case have created window it's not working.

i have declared smartfile component this:

var assetlinkdropfield = { xtype: 'html5smartfile', fieldlabel: 'asset link', ddaccept: 'video/.*', ddgroups: 'media', filereferenceparameter: './linkurl', name: './linkurl', allowupload: false, allowfilenameediting: false, allowfilereference: true, transferfilename: false }; 

but rendering this:

enter image description here

after lot of work, found out cq5 dialog updates view component in case of window, have update myself. thus, slight manipulation, succeeded in displaying drag area tweaking declaration this:

var assetlinkdropfield = { xtype: 'html5smartfile', fieldlabel: 'asset link', ddaccept: 'video/.*', ddgroups: 'media', filereferenceparameter: './linkurl', name: './linkurl', allowupload: false, allowfilenameediting: false, allowfilereference: true, transferfilename: false, listeners: {     afterlayout: function () {         this.updateview();     } } } 

so panel looks like:

enter image description here

but still drag , drop not working. window declaration this:

win = new cq.ext.window({                 height          : 750,                 width           : 700,                 layout          : 'anchor',                 // animatetarget   : btn.el,                 closeaction     : 'close', // prevent destruction on close                 id              : 'managelinkwindow',                 title           : '<b>multi link widget dialog</b>',                 frame           : true,                 draggable       : false,                 modal           : false, //mask entire page                 constrain       : true,                 buttonalign     : 'center',                 items : [assetlinkdropfield]               });         } 

i think should not use ddaccept: 'video/.*', allows videos content finder dragged , dropped. should "image/".

verify other extjs properties / configs html5smartfile if above doesn't resolves problem.


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