android - (Urban airship) How can I remove(or update) previous push message alert? -

my app service android app using phonegap , push alarm service 1 of app services.

current our push alarm service continuously adding message on upside-status-bar push notification alarm.

see >>

but want replace message newest 1 not add, i.e. want display 1 message on bar.

how can replace or how can display 1 message?

this push alarm service code.

send alarm code " " post json message :

{ "apids": [ "user apid", ], "android": { "alert": "you received message." } } 

by default, urban airship display messages receives in status bar, can change behavior setting own notification builder , setting variable constantnotificationid integer bigger 0 in order replace previous notifications.

here example of how configure custompushnotificationbuilder in android application class:

 custompushnotificationbuilder nb = new custompushnotificationbuilder();     nb.layout = r.layout.notification_layout; // layout resource use    nb.layouticondrawableid = r.drawable.notification_icon; // icon want display    nb.layouticonid =; // icon's layout 'id'    nb.layoutsubjectid =; // id 'subject' field    nb.layoutmessageid =; // id 'message' field     //set id value > 0 if want new notification replace previous 1    nb.constantnotificationid = 100;     //set if want custom sound play    nb.sounduri = uri.parse("android.resource://"+this.getpackagename()+"/" +r.raw.notification_mp3);     // set builder    pushmanager.shared().setnotificationbuilder(nb); 

you can check more information in urban airship documentation


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