Running CMD as administrator with an argument from C# -

i want run cmd.exe administrator arguments c# in order prevent uac popup. necessary in order use automated installation process. command passing in path installation file (.exe) /q quiet installation.

when run code, there cmd popup, runs if didn't execute anything.

public static string executecommandasadmin(string command) {      processstartinfo procstartinfo = new processstartinfo()     {         redirectstandarderror = true,         redirectstandardoutput = true,         useshellexecute = false,         createnowindow = true,         filename = "runas.exe",         arguments = "/user:administrator cmd /k " + command     };      using (process proc = new process())     {         proc.startinfo = procstartinfo;         proc.start();          string output = proc.standardoutput.readtoend();          if (string.isnullorempty(output))             output = proc.standarderror.readtoend();          return output;     } } 

there @ least 1 problem command, line:

arguments = "/user:administrator cmd /k " + command 

should be:

arguments = "/user:administrator \"cmd /k " + command + "\"" 

also, won't work automated process, because ask administrator's password in windows vista , newer not known.


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