Erlang: what is this process identifier in the form of {from, Pid, Ref}? -
i facing problem. when check erl_crash.dump, found stuff below:
=proc:<0.19275.17> state: scheduled spawned as: proc_lib:init_p/5 spawned by: <0.18723.17> started: wed may 8 13:30:40 2013 message queue length: 1 number of heap fragments: 0 heap fragment data: 0 link list: [<0.20051.17>, <0.9976.18>, ..., **{from,<6524.13.0>,#ref<6524.0.1.37040>}, {from,<6474.13.0>,#ref<6474.0.1.36682>}, {from,<6470.13.0>,#ref<6470.0.1.34219>}**, ...]
there {from, pid, ref} in link list of proc <0.19275.17>. have no idea these weird formed processes identifier are. guess maybe related "process monitoring". right? , still want know how can generate such process identifier , how can make use of them ?
thank in advance :)
this means process monitored other processes. documentation:
if process monitoring used, field tells in direction monitoring in effect, i.e., link being "to" process tells "current" process monitoring other , link "from" process tells other process monitoring current one.
you can find more infromation here
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