Basic Powershell - batch convert Word Docx to PDF -

i trying use powershell batch conversion of word docx pdf - using script found on site:

# acquire list of docx files in folder $files=get-childitem "c:\docx2pdf\*.docx" $word=new-object –comobject word.application  foreach ($file in $files) {     # open word document, filename directory     $doc=$$file.fullname)      # swap out docx pdf in filename     $name=($doc.fullname).replace("docx","pdf")      # save file pdf in word 2010/2013     $doc.saveas([ref] $name, [ref] 17)       $doc.close() } 

and keep on getting error , can't figure out why:

ps c:\docx2pdf> .\docx2pdf.ps1 exception calling "saveas" "16" argument(s): "command failed" @ c:\docx2pdf\docx2pdf.ps1:13 char:13 +     $doc.saveas <<<< ([ref] $name, [ref] 17)     + categoryinfo          : notspecified: (:) [], methodinvocationexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : dotnetmethodexception 

any ideas?

also - how need change convert doc (not docx) files, use local files (files in same location script location)?

sorry - never done powershell scripting...

this work doc docx files.

$documents_path = 'c:\doc2pdf'  $word_app = new-object -comobject word.application  # filter find .doc .docx documents get-childitem -path $documents_path -filter *.doc? | foreach-object {      $document = $$_.fullname)      $pdf_filename = "$($_.directoryname)\$($_.basename).pdf"      $document.saveas([ref] $pdf_filename, [ref] 17)      $document.close() }  $word_app.quit() 


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