javascript - setTimeout with Bootstrap Modal not displaying after time out -

i'm trying delay showing bootstrap modal until 5 seconds have passed. here section of code. seems write have read on mdn. modal not appear after amount of time. appreciated.

var timeout;   function modalalert(message){         $("#mymodallabel").text("hey look!")         $('.modal-body').html("<img src='"+message+"'>");         timeout = window.settimeout(showmodal,5000);    }   function showmodal(){     console.log("here")     $("#mymodal").modal('show')   } 

vijay ramamurthy helped me find solution:

var timeout;   function modalalert(message){         $("#mymodallabel").text("hey look!")         $('.modal-body').html("<img src='"+message+"'>");         window.settimeout(function(){showmodal();},5000);    }   function showmodal(){     console.log("here")     $("#mymodal").modal('show')   } 

use "shown" event handler register timeout on modal , hide it. can chain functions since it's jquery plugin.

$("#mymodal").modal("show").on("shown", function () {     window.settimeout(function () {         $("#mymodal").modal("hide");     }, 5000); }); 


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