BlackBerry stop receiving push notifications -

i have signed rim blackberry push service evaluation credentials can test push notifications implementation.

i used low level sample server send push , build client side. worked till now. application stopped showing received push messages. instead every time send push can see in right corner arrow loading (like being processed) no push notification shown.

is strange , cause didnt change on code.. ideas?


actually found out when deploy app in device , push doesnt work described. when restart phone though , push works fine. think maybe because , call background process listening push , when phone gets restarted. have on code:

when launch app , register bis push think dont listen them. every time phone restarts.. think might problem?

curious behind firewall chance?

to consider adding firewall exceptions have access eval/prod ppg need add ip addresses below:



another high level check before diving deeper; able login eval cp portal url credentials might have been reset/expired, if contacting access portal.

on application level, app needs connect invokemanager signal @ beginning.

oninvoked() function first check see bb::network::pushservice instance exists , appid stored.

connect(m_invokemanager, signal(invoked(const bb::system::invokerequest&)),     slot(oninvoked(const bb::system::invokerequest&))); 

the application extract push message invoke request passing invoke request pushpayload constructor if action property of invokerequest matches string constant bb_push_invocation_action oninvoked() function.

do of these suggestions work? otherwise please explain more in depth client/server code have implemented , bar-descriptor file's properties.

curious know located there might likelihood of push service outage if push notifications stopped working.


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