AJAX, JSON, and PHP - Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < -

so using ajax upload image image manager tool building... of sudden not working... didn't change code or anything.

the .php runs , uploads image, events want fire after json encoded , sent arent happening. :/

the console logs uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected token <

the same things happening on ajax request, fine on third one...

in past when error, php syntax error, have not updated .php in while.. soooo im stumped.

here javascript:

$("#chosenfile").change(function(){      if($(this).attr('name')) {          var data;          data = new formdata();         data.append('uploadedfile', $( '#chosenfile' )[0].files[0]);         $('#loader').css('display','block');         $.ajax({             url: '/includes/uploadimage.php',             data: data,             processdata: false,             contenttype: false,             type: 'post',             success: function ( data ) {                 //console.log(data); //returns string of data.                 var image = json.parse(data); //parses string object.                 console.log(image); //logs object.                 if (image.error) {                     alert(image.error);                     $('#remove').click();                     $('#loader').css('display','none');                 } else {                     if (image.link) { //if image uploaded , returned link.                         $('#remove').click();                         $('#loader').css('display','none');                         $('#scrollwindow').append("<div class='you'><img imgid='" + image.id + "' src='" + image.link + "' alt=''><span class='delete'>x</span></div>").fadein(200);                         addtoslider(1);                     };                 }             }         });       }  }); 

here php:

<?php  include '../includes/global.php'; // general vars , functions use sitewide.  /* ------------------------- */ /* -- lets file! -- */ /* ------------------------- */      $file = $_files["uploadedfile"];      $return = array();     $status = "failure";  /* ------------------------- */ /* - okay, lets upload it! - */ /* ------------------------- */       $return["type"] = $file["type"];      $target_path = "../uploads/"; // define folder upload      $allowedexts = array("jpeg", "jpg", "jpg", "jpeg", "image/jpg"); // array of allowed extensions.     $extension = end(explode("/", $file["type"])); // find extension.     $maxsize = 2097152; // max file size hidden field in form.      if ($file) {         if (in_array($extension, $allowedexts)) // if extension allowed.         {              if(($file["size"] < $maxsize)) { // if size less max file size.                  $uploadresponse = "the file size - ";                  $target_path = $target_path . basename($file['name']);  //add file name string upload folder destination string.                 $imagelink = "http://scoutsamerica.com/uploads/" . basename( $file['name']); // full link                  if (file_exists($target_path)) { // if file exists, add random integer end of after "_".                      $uploadresponse .=  "this file exists: " . $target_path;                      $randomnum = rand(1, 9999999);                     $crudparts = explode(".", $file["name"]); //split filename , extension again.                     $exceptext =  $crudparts[0]; //filename                     $extension =  $crudparts[1]; //extension                     $target_path = "../uploads/" . $exceptext . "_" . $randomnum . "." . $extension; //rename random number.                     $imagelink = "http://scoutsamerica.com/uploads/"  . $exceptext . "_" . $randomnum . "." . $extension;                      $uploadresponse .= " path changed to: " . $target_path;                 }                  if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {                         $uploadresponse .= "the file ".  basename( $file['name']) . " has been uploaded " . $target_path . "</br></br>";                      } else {                         $uploadresponse .= "there error uploading file, please try again! </br>";                         $uploadresponse .= "file size: " . ($file["size"] / 1024) . "kb</br>";                         $uploadresponse .= "max size: " . ($maxsize / 1024) . "kb";                     }                  $status = "success";                 $return["link"] = $imagelink;                  /* ---------------------------------- */                 /* - time upload image, yo. - */                 /* ---------------------------------- */                  $imagesql = "insert images (id, link, model_id, addedon) values (".                     "null, " .                     prepsql($imagelink) . ", " .                     prepsql($myid) . ", " .                     prepsql($date) . ")";                  mysql_query($imagesql) or die("images: " . mysql_error());               } else {                 $uploadresponse = "the file must less " . ($maxsize / 1024) . "kb.";                 $status = "failure";                 $return["error"] = $uploadresponse;             }          } else {                 $uploadresponse = "the file must .jpg file.";                 $status = "failure";                 $return["error"] = $uploadresponse;         }     } else {             $uploadresponse = "no image.";             $status = "failure";             $return["error"] = $uploadresponse;     }   /* ------------------------- */ /* -  lets send :) - */ /* ------------------------- */      $return["status"] = $status;     $return["id"] = mysql_insert_id();     $return["traveler"] = $file;      str_replace('\\/', '/', json_encode($return));     echo json_encode($return); ?> 

raw response:

<script>     function haireyesfind(haireyes){         if (haireyes == "blonde") {             return "z";         };         if (haireyes == "dirty blonde") {             return "b";         };         if (haireyes == "auburn") {             return "c";         };         if (haireyes == "brown") {             return "d";         };         if (haireyes == "black") {             return "e";         };         if (haireyes == "red") {             return "f";         };         if (haireyes == "blue2") {             return "g";         };         if (haireyes == "green2") {             return "h";         };         if (haireyes == "hazel2") {             return "i";         };         if (haireyes == "brown2") {             return "j";         };     } </script>{"type":"image\/jpeg","link":"http:\/\/scoutsamerica.com\/uploads\/485604_10201093620571706_1239548317_n_5119195.jpg","status":"success","id":281,"traveler":{"name":"485604_10201093620571706_1239548317_n.jpg","type":"image\/jpeg","tmp_name":"\/tmp\/phpx1qywo","error":0,"size":60368}} 

unexpected token means you've got corrupted json response server. it's html-formatted php error/warning, embedded before/after json data, e.g.

<p>php warning: blah blahblah</p>[...json text here ...] 

since html not valid json, error message. check out raw response server particular ajax call, , see what's coming server.


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