WordPress allow PHP tags in html editor - surrounding html tags with if else statement -

i have searched hours , can't make work.

the plugin supposed let type [php] , [/php] tags surrounding php code allows function in tinymce html editor.

it works this:

[php] echo "test"; [/php] 

but doesn't work when try break code , surround html:

[php] if ($_request['tabx'] == "1") { [/php]  <div>[schoolsearch location_title="" lat="" lng" distance="3" groupby="gradelevel" output="table"]</div> [php] } [/php] 

i'm trying accomplish doing if/else statement inside html editor , way can think of using these php tags. ideas?

how about

<div>[php] if ($_request['tabx'] == "1")      { echo "[schoolsearch location_title='' lat= lng='' distance='3' groupby='gradelevel' output='table']"; } [/php] </div> 


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