PHP Mail function not working on Web Services -

i using 2 different servers dev site , live site. webservice function send email confirmation working on dev site not working in live site. email confirmation function is:

function getemailconfirmation($username, $checklistid,$userid,$answerbulkid, $totalsubmitted){     if ( ($userid == '') || (!isset($userid)) ) {         return error("partial");     }      $entry = new entry();        $entry_date_check = date('y-m-d'); //for check if     $count_tbl_answers = $entry->listentry("select count(*) total_from_answers tbl_answers  user_id='".$userid."' , answer_bulk_id ='".$answerbulkid."' , date(ent_date) = '".$entry_date_check."' ");       $to = "****";      $subject = "tdl checklist email";     $message = "hello there! \n user id: ".$userid." \n user name: ".$username."\n check list id: ".$checklistid."\n answer bulk id: ".$answerbulkid;     $from = "tld-email-confirmation";     $headers = "from:" . $from;       if(($count_tbl_answers[0]['total_from_answers']) == $totalsubmitted){          mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);             $result = array(                  "user_id" => $userid,                 "user_name"    => $username,                 "check_list_id"  => $checklistid,                 "answer_bulk_id"  => $answerbulkid,             );      } else{           $delete_bulk = $entry->query("delete tbl_answerbulk user_id ='".$userid."' , check_list_id ='".$checklistid."' , id ='".$answerbulkid."'  ");           $delete_answer = $entry->query("delete tbl_answers user_id='".$userid."'  , answer_bulk_id ='".$answerbulkid."'  ");          return error("custom","","could not submit answer time. please try again later.");      }      $message = json_encode(                 $result                 );      $fin_data['response'] = json_encode(array('message'=>'ok','data'=>$message));     return $fin_data;  } 

this function works on dev server, not work on live server. might reason?

note: although mail function not working on live site, returns result array after mail function. is:

    @mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);        $result = array(              "user_id" => $userid,             "user_name"    => $username,             "check_list_id"  => $checklistid,             "answer_bulk_id"  => $answerbulkid,         ); 

i tried ini_set('smtp_port', 587); , @mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); not worked.


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