- jQuery how to use variables -

the code below working

$(function () {     $('.bigdiv input:checkbox').click(function () {         alert('working');     }); }); 

but 1 not working

var checkboxes = $('.bigdiv input:checkbox'); $(function () { () {         alert('working');     }); }); 

chances have put line:

var checkboxes = $('.bigdiv input:checkbox'); 

inside $(function () { block document ready before run previous line of code. if document isn't done loading, there won't checkboxes find. point of $(function () { /* code here */}); wait until document done loading before running code in callback function.

you should able this:

$(function () {     var checkboxes = $('.bigdiv input:checkbox'); () {         alert('working');     }); }); 

or alternately, put code in script tag @ end of body , not need ready handler:

var checkboxes = $('.bigdiv input:checkbox'); () {     alert('working'); }); 


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