Where I have to put the file for using file appender log4j2 -

i new stackoverflow. trying set log4j2 in maven web application , want use file appender. found examples showing that..

<file name="myfile" filename="logs/app.log">       <patternlayout>  <pattern>%d %p %c{1.} [%t] %m%n</pattern> </patternlayout> </file> 

so. create folder "logs" , put app.log inside somewhere in application. log data not written file.

when change write in console testing purpose, can see log data in console.

i not sure have put "logs" folder.

my application directory that

src/main/java src/main/resources src/main/webapp src/test/java 

thanks help.

can give full log4j2.xml file?

by default, file appender bufferedio=true, , immediateflush=true, output should flushed disk immediately. try adding explicit immediateflush attribute:

<file name="myfile" filename="logs/app.log" immediateflush="true">...   

the logs folder relative app's current directory. may depend on web app server. find out logging result of system.getproperty("user.dir") console...

another thing try specify absolute path log file , see if file still not generated.


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