Config.php security and Facebook Secret Key -

some how developer getting our app secret , using perform https/api banned requests banning our users our app.

  1. how getting secret key have listed in our config.php file located on server. cannot find breaches on server , config.php non-readable or shown anywhere.

  2. will whitelists settings made available facebook block hacker/developer banning or blocking changes app settings?

i suggest reset app secret using presently generate new 1 , restrict extent of damage.

you may utilize server ip whitelist according documentation suggests that

we enable restrict api calls come set of white-listed servers. can set whitelist going advanced section of developer settings in app dashboard , set 'server whitelist' field.

and may further utilize update settings ip whitelist restrict changes app's settings. quoting documentation,

we allow specify whitelist of ip addresses must used update app settings. helps prevent attacks ensuring developers using company ip addresses can update settings.


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