OpenCV and Windows Store App using C# on a x64 platform -

we trying integrate opencv c++ windows runtime component c# windows store app. working on windows 8 (x64) platform , using visual studio 2012 opencv 2.4.5. actual aim detect faces in c# windows store app working on x64 platform. set opencv 2.4.5 visual studio 2012 (x64 platform) , copied dll's of opencv "system32" folder able build , run opencv projects on above mentioned platform.

here problems faced us:

  1. we successful in building c++ windows runtime component contains code face detection. integrate store app , try make object of winrt's class. throws exception.
  2. but whole project works fine if comment lines trying work on images , cascades.

solely able detect faces in win32 console application using above code. not able task.

i giving link project working on. ""

about project: 1. "facedetectwinrt" c++ windows runtime component project contains "class1.cpp" , "class1.h" contains code face detection. 2. "facedetectstoreapp" c# windows store app project has reference above project , declared "start up" project. 3. there button in " facedetectstoreapp " under "mainpage.xaml.cs" class when clicked calls " facedetectwinrt " project's function "face" when working expected return coordinate of face detected.

i did same thing similar results. had success when deploying winrt app on arm device. need to:

  1. include opencv dlls in c# project marked "content"
  2. don't forget highgui dll. objdetect dll depends on it.
  3. make sure reference opencv .lib files, 1 per opencv dll
  4. switch configuration arm in configuration manager
  5. deploy device running arm (i.e. surface) done through remote debugger

i have not yet had success running app on x86 device (i.e. surface pro). believe problem objdetect dll depends on highgui dll. arm build of highgui dll depends on few standard libraries. x86 build depends on several additional libraries aren't available winrt. think might able work building opencv x86 without highgui. can setting build_opencv_highgui cmake variable off.


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