Basic HTTP Authentication for REST Server on Drupal 7 -

i feel might answered somewhere, no 1 seems have answered question directly drupal , i'm wondering if might making difference.

i have setup vanilla drupal installation necessary modules use rest server handle push notifications. in testing rest server cocoarestclient (found here encountering problem basic http authentication (authentication failing). have tested session authentication , works perfectly. username , password correct. services basic authentication module doesn't provide in way of setup, doing wrong?

modules being used: push notifications services services basic authentication rest server

drupal 7.22 minimal (vanilla install - no themes or other fancy modules ones listed).

basic auth enables get, post, put, , delete, endpoints using basic auth header. not sure if /login end point. authorization header should made of basic followed based-64 encoded string of 'user:password' (not including quotes). authorization: basic qwxhzgrpbjpvcgvuihnlc2ftzq==

you can test using postman or fiddler.


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