mod rewrite - Non Port 80 Web Server and Pretty URL's -

this "blocked port 80" related question, maybe bit unique. i've yet find answer. it's more academic know running production server @ house ridiculous idea.

i'm running development server (lamp) @ home isp blocks port 80. dns domain set "url redirect" ip , port number. router port-forwarding server, , have apache set it's listening on port 8081.

the issue when access domain, url in browser resolved domain name ip , port number, , displayed such. for example, type "" browser, site displayed url shown "12.23.456.11:8081".

is there way fix domain name not become ip , port number?

can use apache proxy functionality somehow?

could use mod_rewrite change ip , port number domain name?

thanks in advance!

this question has 3 parts. first issue of domain: in order substitute domain name in place of ip address need name server can map desired name address. @ host level , not port level domain name encompass ports might host it. if using home internet connection (which suspect since talk blocked port) need take account time time public ip address can change. options pay (or request) static ip isp or use dynamic dns service can rapidly update records ip address changes.

as port number. mod_rewite handles path part of url, using different ports internally want mod_proxy. apache web sever mod_proxy configured listen on public port want (that assume port 80) mod_proxy take incoming requests , send them web server on different port (or different server). outside user happens invisibly. problem if isp wont let host site on port 80 logically won't let proxy port 80. around little harder. @ virtualized server people rackspace or linode. (for relatively little money) configurable server on open internet no restrictions on port usage , static ip. better if mess can virtually delete server , start on fresh os image.

finally clean urls question title suggests. it's possible wasn't part of actual question in case, mod_rewrite smart module can let map clean urls /cars/toyota/1997 , turn them more ugly requests /cars.php?make=toyota&year=1997. clean urls not better make easier reorganize web code behind scenes web site evolves.

one last thing, , amazing me question has gone long without comment but, question not fit stackoverflow. possibly luck! :)


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