Java String array out of existing String array -

i have java string array:

public static final string[] fields_names = { "albert", "berta", "carl" }; public static final string[] fields_numbers = { "123", "456", "789" }; 

and create third constant out of 1 have. repeating everything:

public static final string[] fields_all = {      "albert", "berta", "carl", "123", "456", "789" }; 

but want this:

public static final string[] fields_all = {fields_names, fields_numbers}; 

any idea how in java? not want run loops shuffle things around...

one way concatenate string arrays:

string[] fields_all = arrayutils.addall(fields_names, fields_names); 

edit note: @malachi has mentioned, uses apache commons lang library

edit without using external libs:

you can use generic method so:

string[] join(string[]... arrays)  {   // calculate size of target array   int size = 0;   (string[] array : arrays)    {     size += array.length;   }    // create list of appropriate size   java.util.list list = new java.util.arraylist(size);    // add arrays   (string[] array : arrays)    {     list.addall(java.util.arrays.aslist(array));   }    // create , return final array  return list.toarray(new string[size]); } 


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