php - select the submenu of a menu and append it to the sidebar -

<li class="dd-item" data-id="5">         <div class="dd-handle">             <a class="color5" href="index.php?seite=eltern-info">eltern-info</a>      </div>      <ol class="dd-list" style="display: none;">         <li class="dd-item" data-id="1">             <div class="dd-handle">                  <a class="color1" href="index.php?seite=impressum">impressum</a>              </div>          </li>    </ol> </li> 

i have menu this(the example 1 element menu , submenu) jquery function open submenu on hover. need make when menu active show submenu in sidebar. there way achive jquery? when menu eltern-info active html of side bar submenu?


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