Flash/Actionscript 3 - import/embed XML file for export? -

how import or embed xml file can export 100% independent swf? project reads external xml file text fields , images. when export swf, none of images/text show unless have xml file in same directory. want 100% independent swf without need xml.

here have far, code tutorial:

var imagearray:array = new array(); var painterarray:array = new array(); var titlearray:array = new array(); var datearray:array = new array();  //loader event xml var loader:urlloader = new urlloader(); loader.addeventlistener(event.complete, onloaded);  var xml:xml;  loader.load(new urlrequest("mday.xml"));  function onloaded(e:event):void {     //load xml     xml=new xml(e.target.data);     var il:xmllist=xml.images;     listlength=il.length();     //fill array xml     populatearray(); }  function populatearray():void {     //takes properties defined in xml , stores them arrays     var i:number;     (i = 0; < listlength; i++) {         imagearray[i]=xml.images[i].pic;         titlearray[i]=xml.images[i].title;         painterarray[i]=xml.images[i].painter;         datearray[i]=xml.images[i].date;     } } 

the attached keyframe, not in separate class.


so instead of loading in external xml file have variable contains of xml data:

var imagearray:array = new array(); var painterarray:array = new array(); var titlearray:array = new array(); var datearray:array = new array();  //assign xml xml variable. here example xml data var xml:xml = <gallery> <image name="school">image1.jpg</image> <image name="garden">image2.jpg</image> <image name="shop">image3.jpg</image> </gallery>;  load();//call load function  function load():void {      var il:xmllist=xml.images;     listlength=il.length();     //fill array xml     populatearray(); }  function populatearray():void {     //takes properties defined in xml , stores them arrays     var i:number;     (i = 0; < listlength; i++) {         imagearray[i]=xml.images[i].pic;         titlearray[i]=xml.images[i].title;         painterarray[i]=xml.images[i].painter;         datearray[i]=xml.images[i].date;     } } 


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