c++ - Converting LPBYTE to char* -

after 2 hours of google on "convert lpbyte char*" found result relates "regqueryvalueexw"

no 1 use "lpbyte" other "regqueryvalueexw" function.

my question arise unicode , ascii conversion if use regqueryvalueex give me ascii values correct multinational point view not helping me.


i have following code ,

char* getstringregkey(hkey hkey, lpcwstr strvaluename, char* strvalue, char* strdefaultvalue) {     strvalue = strdefaultvalue;     char szbuffer[512];     dword dwbuffersize = sizeof(szbuffer);     ulong nerror;     lpcwstr temppassingstring;     char* hostname;     nerror = regqueryvalueexw(hkey, strvaluename, 0, null, (lpbyte)szbuffer, &dwbuffersize);     if (error_success == nerror)     {         strvalue = szbuffer;     }     uses_conversion;     return strvalue; } 

this show me szbuffer array like, enter image description here

which correct value.( note "c" aftet pointer value). when assign character array strvalue "c" display value of strvalue;

as shown below.

enter image description here

this may foolish question dont understand going wrong. please suggest help, block of code or hint convert whole szbuffer strvalue.


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