jquery - Object Doesn't Support This Property or Method. IE8 -

when try running website, ie8 prompts me error: 'object doesn't support property or method.

the object according ie8 debugger callback: shard.lefttop();

the first report in callstack(which hope helpful inform) line:

c.readystate==="complete" && (c.detachment("onreadystatechange", b),e.ready()). 

i'm unsure should looking in code error... totally overwhelmed.


getting closer source of error:

ok guys debugger telling me problem starting straight before call of


so, i'll try explain bit. how works in chrome.

index.html holds document dot ready function, setting:

var shard = new shards( $('div.shard') ); 

corresponding function in .js file within same directory index.html:

function shards( container ){ 

further down index page calls prototype function expression


which looks this:

shards.prototype.lefttop = function(){ 

and stored within .js file , dir.

the prototype extended, function created , callback within function function.

var left_top = $.extend({ debugger; one_lt: function(){  if (a === 5){ = 0; stacktimer++;} else if (a < 3){aal = 50; aat = 250; aas = 1250; aaf = aas; } else  { aal = 450; aat = 50; aas = 750; aaf = aas; }  $(shards).eq(a).show(); $(shards).eq(a).fadeout(aaf);  $(shards).eq(a).animate({  "left": animationx - aal, "top": animationy - aat}, { duration: aas, queue: false, complete: function(){   $(shards).eq(a).fadein(10); $(shards).eq(a).offset({left: defaultleft_lt, top: defaultleft_lt}); $(shards).eq(a).hide();  a++;  if(stacktimer === 1){  // $('div.stack').eq(0).offset({left: stackl_ldef, top:stackl_tdef}); $('div.stack').eq(0).css({"position":"absolute","left":"47.6%","top":"50.35%"}); $('div.stack').eq(0).fadein(3000); };  left_top.one_lt.apply();  }}); 


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