Using the Ruby Shoes GUI toolkit, how would I go about being able to edit my GUI in different areas of code -

i'm writing horse race/bet game using shoes , wondering how able change gui in different areas of code. when run this, horse on 1 application , race line on application, want them both on same application. need set actual shoes app variable itself?

class horse    def initialize()     #puts "yoyoyoyo"     #@number=i{       @icon= image 'horsey.jpg'       @icon.left = 100 = 50     }   end    def neigh()     #puts "neighhhh"   end    def racetime()     time=rand(100)%20     return time+10   end end  class horseicon   def initialize(h)     @horse= h     @imageloc='horsey.jpg'   end end  class game   def initialize(h1, h2)     contestants=[h1, h2]{       @icon= image 'raceline.jpg'       @icon.left = 100 = 70     }   end    def race()   end end  game=,2)  seabiscuit= 

you using 2 separate classes. think that's problem.

judging code seem have background in other language, python. suggest clone shoes git , @ 'shoes/samples' directory , play around it. or @ this.

it see code should like.

ps : give pointers toward ruby style. don't use {} block when using multiple lines. use:       # code goes here     end 


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