javascript - Recursive regular expression in ruby -

i have script open request server , gets javascript output.

this output looks this:

html = new array();mark = new array();html.push('html tags(something want)more html');mark.push(new obj(-12.1231231, -12.12312312312));html.push('html tags(something want)more html');mark.push(new obj(-12.1231231, -12.12312312312));html.push('html tags(something want)more html');mark.push(new obj(-12.1231231, -12.12312312312));html.push('html tags(something want)more html');mark.push(new obj(-12.1231231, -12.12312312312));html.push('html tags(something want)more html');mark.push(new obj(-12.1231231, -12.12312312312));otherstuf.idontcare(new object(-16.630495852614, -49.264667191591), 13);

i want create regular expression take in: (something want) , numbers on new obj(-12.1231231, -12.12312312312), in part:

html.push('html tags(something want)more html');mark.push(new obj(-12.1231231, -12.12312312312))

i want only:

(something want) -12.1231231 -12.12312312312 

but every place find this.

i created regex take inner content

/^html = new array\(\);mark = new array\(\);(.*)otherstuf.idontcare\(new object\([\+\-\.0-9]*, [\+\-\.0-9]*\), [\d]*\);$/ 

but i'm kinda of stuck. cant see way of taking info need.

how can this?

gist regexp , example of javascript need parse:

a single regex can't handle want want.

i recommend first split blocks , run regex on each of them:

output.split(/html\.push/).each |block|   # grab "something want" , numbers in block end 


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