vbscript - Rename files without copying in same folder -

i have files following naming convention.


i need rename file re12356_gj123456790.dat without copying files using vbs i.e. need increment 1, everytime when run vbs file. please me. thanks!

the filesystemobject has method .getfile(filespec) returns object file filespec. objects have (writable) .name property. .name, modify it, , write/assign new one.

to give ideas (looping on files in folder, finding file(s) change, extracting number increment):

option explicit  dim gofs : set gofs = createobject( "scripting.filesystemobject" )  wscript.quit demomain()  function demomain()   demomain = 0 ' assume success    dim sddir    : sddir        = gofs.getabsolutepathname(".\")   dim revictim : set revictim = new regexp   revictim.ignorecase = true   revictim.pattern    = "^(victim)(\d+)(\.txt)$"   dim ofile   each ofile in gofs.getfolder(sddir).files       if revictim.test(ofile.name)          wscript.echo "found:  ", ofile.name          ofile.name = revictim.replace(ofile.name, getref("finc"))          wscript.echo "renamed:", ofile.name       end if   next end function ' demomain  function finc(sm, sg1, sg2, sg3, np, ss)   finc = sg1 & right(100 + sg2 + 1, 2) & sg3 end function 


cscript finc.vbs found:   victim00.txt renamed: victim01.txt  cscript finc.vbs found:   victim01.txt renamed: victim02.txt  cscript finc.vbs found:   victim02.txt renamed: victim03.txt 

how copy overflow of counter left exercise.


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