C++ MFC MDI how to change what class view displays based on active document -

i'm working on mdi application has object browser (cclassview) has change displays based on "document" active.

ps: none of searches have worked.

this isn't expected, here's possible solution:


q: how active document anywhere in application?

a: there several methods, 1 first active frame call cframewnd::getactivedocument. ... in mdi applications, have additionally active mdi child frame.

cdocument* getmdiactivedocument() {     cdocument* pdoc = null;      cwnd* pwndmain = afxgetmainwnd();     assert(pwndmain);     assert(pwndmain->iskindof(runtime_class(cmdiframewnd))); // not mdi app.      cframewnd* pframe = ((cmdiframewnd*)pwndmain)->mdigetactive();     if(null != pframe)     {         pdoc = pframe->getactivedocument(); // active document     }     return pdoc; } 

this sample code might suggest other (perhaps better) alternatives:



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