unit testing - How do I add/modify the bundle loader setting in xCode 4.6.2? -

i'm new ios development , i'm running bit of problem. i've inherited app that's 70% complete, there's no tests. want add unit testing target xcode project (v4.6.2) , integrate runs when press cmd-u.

i have added new unit testing target. next instruction says modify "bundle loader" setting under "build settings" -> "linker". problem "bundle loader" setting blank , clicking in row not show +/- buttons add setting.

how modify bundle loader setting set newly created test target run cmd-u?

the unit test target created new projects application unit test. injects test code app setting bundle_loader , test_host in build settings. can create new unit test target , default logic unit test (bundle_loader , test_host not set).

if want application unite test should set bundle_loader , test_host to:

bundle_loader = $(built_products_dir)/dc wire sizer.app/dc wire sizer test_host = $(bundle_loader) 

you need change "dc wire sizer" app name

to make new test target run cmd-u need edit test scheme , add new test target.

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