jquery - Return value from controller using $.param in MVC -

i using asp.net mvc, in application update image using following:


public actionresult outputhandler(int slide = 0)         {             filecontentresult data;             im = object(slide) ......             using (var memstream = new memorystream())             {                 objimage1.save(memstream, imageformat.png);                 data = this.file(memstream.getbuffer(), "image/png");             }             objimage1.dispose();             return data;         } 

in view use,

imge.src = '/home/animate?' + $.param({   ....  slide: parseint(intervalcounter),  mprtype: 0,  udm: ++udm   }); 

it works well, need value of slide controller update variable in view.

viewbag helpful in these situations. dynamic variable can used store data controller , used in view.

in controller can set

viewbag.slide = slide 

and in view can need data



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