LDAP query from Java is slow -

we having performance issues our ldap , out java server. whenever call our ldap query, looks (&(objectclass=person)(department=0128)(departmentnumber=1)) takes 2000 milliseconds, slow us.

however if perform search, using same query standard ldap browser (eg. ldap admin program web), takes few milliseconds.

our simplified code below :

public static void main(string[] args) throws namingexception {       hashtable<string, string> env = new hashtable<string, string>(); // nopmd      env.put(context.provider_url, "ldap://abc123.muc:389");     env.put(context.security_principal, "cn=myproject,ou=projectusers,dc=com");     env.put(context.security_credentials, "asdf");     env.put(context.initial_context_factory, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.ldapctxfactory");     env.put(context.security_authentication, "simple");      ldapcontext ileanldapctx = new initialldapcontext(env, null);      //time create context = 40ms      string filter = "(&(objectclass=person)(department=0128)(departmentnumber=1))";       namingenumeration<searchresult> results = ileanldapctx.search("o=computers,dc=com", filter, null);      //time search filter = 2000ms      namingenumeration<searchresult> results2 = ileanldapctx.search("o=computers,dc=com", filter, null);      //2nd time search filter = 2000ms } 

is there initialisation problem going on here?

i thought instantiating ldapcontext should have solved time intensive stuff. ldapctx.search takes 2 seconds, , if call again, still 2 seconds. initial search not seem initialisation. , if query slow, why other ldap browser have go fast?


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