java - Using Proxy Behind WebView -

its week search way make webview works proxy (not using wifi, mobile ddata). didnt found solution yet. can give me work it?

i try there's in (maybe not all, if have way please share it)

take peek @ code

 public class webviewactivity extends activity {      static webview web;  string proxy_ip = "";    int proxy_port = 8989;       @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.web_view);          web = (webview) findviewbyid(;         web.setwebviewclient(new mywebviewclient("username","password"));          web.getsettings().setjavascriptenabled(true);         web.getsettings().setjavascriptcanopenwindowsautomatically(true);         web.getsettings().setallowcontentaccess(true);          web.getsettings().setappcacheenabled(true);          system.getproperties().put("proxyset", "true");          system.getproperties().put(proxy_ip, "");         system.getproperties().put(proxy_port, "8989");          authenticator authenticator = new authenticator() {               public passwordauthentication getpasswordauthentication() {              return (new passwordauthentication                      ("username","password".tochararray()));              }      };      authenticator.setdefault(authenticator);           web.sethttpauthusernamepassword("", "", "username", "password");           web.loadurl("url");         }      public static boolean setproxyicsplus(webview webview, string host, int port, string exclusionlist) {           log.d("", "setting proxy >= 4.1 api.");           try          {            class jwcjb = class.forname("android.webkit.jwebcorejavabridge");            class params[] = new class[1];            params[0] = class.forname("");            method updateproxyinstance = jwcjb.getdeclaredmethod("updateproxy", params);             class wv = class.forname("android.webkit.webview");            field mwebviewcorefield = wv.getdeclaredfield("mwebviewcore");            object mwebviewcorefieldintance = getfieldvaluesafely(mwebviewcorefield, web);             class wvc = class.forname("android.webkit.webviewcore");            field mbrowserframefield = wvc.getdeclaredfield("mbrowserframe");            object mbrowserframe = getfieldvaluesafely(mbrowserframefield, mwebviewcorefieldintance);             class bf = class.forname("android.webkit.browserframe");            field sjavabridgefield = bf.getdeclaredfield("sjavabridge");            object sjavabridge = getfieldvaluesafely(sjavabridgefield, mbrowserframe);             class ppclass = class.forname("");            class pparams[] = new class[3];            pparams[0] = string.class;            pparams[1] = int.class;            pparams[2] = string.class;            constructor ppcont = ppclass.getconstructor(pparams);             updateproxyinstance.invoke(sjavabridge, ppcont.newinstance("", 8989, null));       } catch (exception ex) {         log.e("","setting proxy >= 4.1 api failed error: " + ex.getmessage());         return false;     }      log.d("", "setting proxy >= 4.1 api successful!");     return true;      }      private static object getfieldvaluesafely(field field, object classinstance) throws illegalargumentexception, illegalaccessexception {         boolean oldaccessiblevalue = field.isaccessible();         field.setaccessible(true);         object result = field.get(classinstance);         field.setaccessible(oldaccessiblevalue);         return result;           }      public void loadurl(webview view, string url, string proxyusername, string proxypassword){         usernamepasswordcredentials creds= new usernamepasswordcredentials("username", "password");         header credheader = basicscheme.authenticate(creds, "utf-8", true);         map<string, string> header = new hashmap<string, string>();         header.put(credheader.getname(), credheader.getvalue());         view.loadurl(url, header); } 

i try using public boolean ics, using try , catch method. isnt't showing result (or i'm doing wrong?). please if have way that's work using proxy in webview show way.


note: i'm running using mobile data. not wifi. setting mobile data.


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