JavaFX project play youtube videos -

i work on automatically music player. short, use api lot of tracks names , tags. using these tags , intelligence computing algorithms, once play track, player sets track (with tags appropriate tags of track listened before).

i used youtube api search url's of movies, , managed make work. want make videos play on music player. have tried place youtube player on webview. works, not intended. want control player. want start playing automatically, , want noticed when video ended can start next one.

any clues of should play videos youtube based on search uses youtube api, , have control on youtube player place on gui(make play , stop command line)? or there possible way download youtube movie , play using javafx api? searched google , noticed cannot download youtube movie format can played javafx api.

update dec 4th, 2015

some versions of javafx 8 unable play youtube video content. currently, instance, java 8u66 cannot playback youtube video content, java 8u72 access release can.

also note of videos referenced in sample solution no longer available or protected play in embedded video players. ensure perform tests using available , videos have not been distribution restricted. refer youtube documentation information on distribution restriction if need be.

any clues of should play videos youtube

as hints started, see code playing youtube videos in javafx , youtube html5 api.

here sample code linked running , playing youtube videos within javafx webview (very minimal) control on video playback via interaction javafx "new song" button.


or there possible way download youtube movie , play using javafx api? searched google , noticed cannot download youtube movie format can played javafx api.

i think such usage violate youtube's terms of service. believe youtube requires play video using youtube video player (let's them insert ads in video player etc).

5.1 a

you agree not distribute part of or parts of website or service, including not limited content, in medium without youtube's prior written authorisation, unless youtube makes available means such distribution through functionality offered service (such youtube player);

5.1 c

you agree not access content through technology or means other video playback pages of website itself, youtube player, or such other means youtube may explicitly designate purpose;


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