c++ - Code compiles until CreateWnd() is thrown in -

i using xe3 , trying construct dll third party component. since rather large project describe detail question @ hand.

i have multiple cpp files , multiple header files(classes in header files, functions in cpp files). have linking , compiling fine until put createwnd() function 1 of classes

void __fastcall ticsbyteentry::createwnd(void) {     tcustomcontrol::createwnd();     setwindowlong(handle, gwl_style, getwindowlong(handle, gwl_style) | ws_clipsiblings); } 

now compile code in when put component on form , try run project give me error '[ilink32 error] error: unresolved external '__fastcall ticsbyteentry::createwnd() referenced 'path'unit1.obj'

no other linking issues 1 , comment out works nicely expected. when researching online said having problems finding entry point http://edn.embarcadero.com/article/27343. tried recommended , no luck. 1 want take guess on wrong?

instead of overriding createwnd() should override createparams(). way window created style want , not need changed after creation.


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