python - wxPython set selected control upon application start -

i have simple wxpython application. has image , text-entry field (a wx.textctrl).

i want able able start entering text window opens. right now, have first click in text control, , can start entering text.

here minimal app demonstrates issue:

import wx  class myframe(wx.frame):     """ derive new class of frame. """     def __init__(self, parent, title):         wx.frame.__init__(self, parent, title=title, size=(200, 100))          mainsizer = wx.boxsizer(wx.vertical)          self.control = wx.textctrl(self, style=wx.te_multiline)         mainsizer.add(self.control, 1, wx.expand)          self.setsizer(mainsizer)  app = frame = myframe(none, 'small editor') app.mainloop() 

i've poked around wx.setinsertionpoint, not seem have effect.

ah, derp. had further inheritance chain.

you can call setfocus() on control (in case, self.control.setfocus()).

setfocus() member function of wxwindow. looking @ docs wxtextctrl.

of course, didn't think inheritance chain until had asked question.

i'm leaving here, pretty hard google issue. else.


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