ruby on rails - How must I structure my models to connect owners, borrowers and products? -

i'm newbie in code, , i'm trying set 2 connected models : user model, , product model. product model has 2 user, 1 owner, , borrower. user model has many products, owner, , borrower.

do know if code below fulfilling purpose ?

class user     has_many :products end  class product     belongs_to :owner, class_name: "user", foreign_key: "user_id"     has_one :borrower, class_name: "user", foreign_key: "user_id" end 

actually, need 2 different columns in product model "pointing" user model:

owner_id, borrower_id 

you user model should following:

class user   has_many :owned_products, class_name: "product", foreign_key: "owner_id"   has_many :borrowed_products, class_name: "product", foreign_key: "borrower_id" end 

and product model this:

class product     belongs_to :owner, class_name: "user", foreign_key: "owner_id"     belongs_to :borrower, class_name: "user", foreign_key: "borrower_id" end 


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