linq - Get data from multiple table using Entity Framework 5 -

in database, have 4 tables relationship this:

inspection --> correspondence --> correspondenceto, user

now, when inspectionid equals something, want subject, correspondencetype, sentdate correspondence, displayname user, firstname, lastname correspondenceto. write code this:

var result = in context.inspections         join correspondence in context.correspondences              on equals correspondence.inspectionid         join correspondenceto in context.correspondencetoes              on equals correspondenceto.correspondenceid         join user in context.users              on correspondence.senderuserid equals == inspectionid         select new         {             subject = correspondence.subject,             correspondencetype = correspondence.correspondencetype,             sentdate = correspondence.sentdate,             sender = user.displayname,             receiver = new             {                correspondenceto.firstname,                correspondenceto.lastname             }         }; return json(result); 

what's wrong code? how see result in visual studio 2012? besides, want left join tables above. should do? if want use include instead of join, how that?


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