excel - export gridview value into .xlsx file in vb.net -

i want create application can export desired gridview result new excel file. if file same name exists ask give new name else create new file.

try out

private sub buttonexport_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs)   handles buttonexport.click     dim rowstotal, colstotal short     dim i, j, ic short     system.windows.forms.cursor.current = system.windows.forms.cursors.waitcursor     dim xlapp new excel.application     try         dim excelbook excel.workbook = xlapp.workbooks.add         dim excelworksheet excel.worksheet = ctype(excelbook.worksheets(1), excel.worksheet)         xlapp.visible = true         rowstotal = datagridview1.rowcount - 1         colstotal = datagridview1.columns.count - 1         excelworksheet             .cells.select()             .cells.delete()             ic = 0 colstotal                 .cells(1, ic + 1).value = datagridview1.columns(ic).headertext             next             = 0 rowstotal - 1                 j = 0 colstotal                     .cells(i + 2, j + 1).value = datagrid1.rows(i).cells(j).value                 next j             next             .rows("1:1").font.fontstyle = "bold"             .rows("1:1").font.size = 10             .cells.columns.autofit()             .cells.select()             .cells.entirecolumn.autofit()             .cells(1, 1).select()         end     catch ex exception         msgbox("export excel error " & ex.message)             'release alloacted resources         system.windows.forms.cursor.current = system.windows.forms.cursors.default         xlapp = nothing     end try end sub 


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