mysql - Working with big amount of data. PHP Sessions or accessing data every time? -

we have web app we're working on users store bookmarks (url/title/shortkey/times url clicked) etc.

every time user refreshes page, data being retrieved database (different server). logically, you're able view bookmarks. bookmarks in of every page of app; every user clicks, data has parsed.

is better store data sessions or keep requesting every time database? developers in situations?

i imagine, every refresh button approximately 1000 users approximately 100 bookmarks (approx. 100 characters each row), thats ton of data every minute accessed.

a pretty similar example based on our web app twitter's favourites. every time access page, request's favourites database, or favourites stored sessions based on id?

cache bookmarks flat file include relevant (even structured nature if let them build folder structure) - if store bookmarks in db can reconstitue results. delete file when crud bookmark.

if come suitable file naming scheme - userid.txt - managing easy.


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