How to get results from a Delphi function called by Lua -

i creating function in delphi able use lua. have managed create procedure (or function without taking results) , works perfect. problem want results of function (not procedure anymore) delphi lua. i've read codes out there couldn't make work.

my function looks this:

function tluascripter.getsetting(luastate: tluastate):tluastate; var path,stri: string; i:integer; begin           //getsetting('targeting/targetingenabled')   path := lua_tostring(luastate, 1); //we string 'targeting/..."    lua_pop(luastate,1); //we put in stack (so can clean it)   stri:= tree.getsetting(path); //this function gets, example "no"   lua_pushlstring(luastate,pansichar(ansistring(stri)),length(stri)); //i pass lua stack   //showmessage(lua_tostring(luastate,1));--> shows result need in msgbox   result:= luastate; end; 

so if use in lua console


i able result in msgbox (uncommenting "showmessage...") function doesn't return in lua! if write


i nil value in lua.

it work perfect this. have added result integer , "result:=1"

function tluascripter.getsetting(luastate: tluastate): integer; var   path,stri: string;   i: integer; begin           //getsetting('targeting/targetingenabled')   path := lua_tostring(luastate, 1);   stri:= tree.getsetting(path);   lua_pushlstring(luastate,pansichar(ansistring(stri)),length(stri));   result:= 1; end; 


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