c++ - Pen color/style -

in c# define pen using following line, i'm unable set similar in c++. tried several options in c++ select color object no luck far. interested in selecting color - color.darkgray - don't want specify own argb values.

var pen = new pen(color.darkgray) { dashstyle = dashstyle.dashdot };  

in c++ can define wanted know if can define mode color.darkgray directly instead of rgb values.

pen pen(color(255,169,169,169),1);  //darkgray pen.setdashstyle(dashstyledashdot); 

the colors defined same in c++ in c# (afiak, c# system.graphics wrapper on c++ functions anyway). need :

pen pen(color::darkgray, 1); pen.setdashstyle(dashstyledashdot); 

isn't you're trying do? colors defined in gdipluscolor.h if want full list, it's same c# version think.


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