javascript - Dynamically change content on rcarousel -

i using "rcarousel – continuous jquery ui carousel" located @ after creating carousel, wish change content on 1 of carousel panes. change content enough following script: $('#carousel').find('input.change').click(function(){$(this).parent().parent().find('div.display').html('new content');});

problem if go pane, back, "changed" pane reverts it's original content.

a live example located @, , script included below.

var active=true;  $("#carousel").rcarousel(     {         visible: 1,         step: 1,         width: 780,         height: 240,         speed: 500,         startatpage: 2,         start: function() {             var carousel=$(this),parent=carousel.parent();             $('#next-slide').click(function(){if(active) {carousel.rcarousel("next");}});             $('#prev-slide').click(function(){if(active) {carousel.rcarousel("prev");}});              ( var = 0; < carousel.rcarousel( "gettotalpages" ); i++ ) {                 $("<a />",{href:'#','class':'carousel-bullet off'})                 .bind("click", {page: i},                     function( event ) {                         if(active) {                             carousel.rcarousel( "gotopage", );                             event.preventdefault();                         }                     }                 )                 .appendto( "#carousel-pages" );             }              // mark first page active             $( "a:eq(0)", "#carousel-pages" )             .removeclass( "off" )             .addclass( "on" )             .css("background-image", "url(images/page-on.png)" );              $("#next-slide, #prev-slide, .carousel-bullet" )             .hover(                 function(){                     if(active){$( ).css("opacity", 0.7 );}                 },                 function(){                     if(active){$( ).css("opacity", 1.0 );}                 }             );          },         pageloaded: function( event, data ) {             $( "a.on", "#carousel-pages" )             .removeclass( "on" )             .css("background-image", "url(images/page-off.png)" );              $( "a", "#carousel-pages" )             .eq( )             .addclass( "on" )             .css("background-image", "url(images/page-on.png)" );         }      } );  <div id="carousel-container">     <div id="carousel">          <div class="slide">             <div class="sub-slide">                 <img src="images/throbber.gif" class="throbber" alt="please wait" />                 <div class="display">display 0</div>             </div>             <div class="buttons">                 <input class="change" type="button" value="change">             </div>         </div>         <div class="slide">             <div class="sub-slide">                 <img src="images/throbber.gif" class="throbber" alt="please wait" />                 <div class="display">display 1</div>             </div>             <div class="buttons">                 <input class="change" type="button" value="change">             </div>         </div>         <div class="slide">             <div class="sub-slide">                 <img src="images/throbber.gif" class="throbber" alt="please wait" />                 <div class="display">display 2</div>             </div>             <div class="buttons">                 <input class="change" type="button" value="change">             </div>         </div>         <div class="slide">             <div class="sub-slide">                 <img src="images/throbber.gif" class="throbber" alt="please wait" />                 <div class="display">display 3</div>             </div>             <div class="buttons">                 <input class="change" type="button" value="change">             </div>         </div>         <div class="slide">             <div class="sub-slide">                 <img src="images/throbber.gif" class="throbber" alt="please wait" />                 <div class="display">display 4</div>             </div>             <div class="buttons">                 <input class="change" type="button" value="change">             </div>         </div>         <div class="slide">             <div class="sub-slide">                 <img src="images/throbber.gif" class="throbber" alt="please wait" />                 <div class="display">display 5</div>             </div>             <div class="buttons">                 <input class="change" type="button" value="change">             </div>         </div>      </div>     <a href="#" id="next-slide" class="change-slide"></a>     <a href="#" id="prev-slide" class="change-slide"></a>     <div id="carousel-pages"></div> </div> 

add following updatepagedom() method plugin

updatepagedom: function() {     var $root = $(this.element),     data=$"data");     //note data.paths[data.pageindex] , data.pages[data.pageindex][0] same     data.paths[data.pageindex].html($root.find('div.slide').html()); }, 


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