Publishing ClickOnce files into an ASP.NET MVC folder using MSBuild -

i have visual studio solution contains 2 projects, clickonce wpf application , mvc 4 application. trying accomplish have clickonce deployment files built folder under mvc file structure , included in project. trying msbuild if possible.

i have following in mvc application project file (.csproj) publish clickonce files.

<target name="beforebuild">     <msbuild projects="$(solutiondir)\src\developerclient\developerclient.csproj"              properties="mapfileextensions=true;install=false;generatemanifests=true;publishdir=$(msbuildprojectdirectory)/content/client/"              targets="publish" />   </target> 

along following include generated files in mvc project.

<content include="content\client\**\*.*" /> 

the problem running way solution builds. sorts of "metadata file not found" type of errors, need way prevent 2 builds stepping on each others toes. how this?

or, barking wrong tree, , should take approach?

i trying accomplish similar, wanted publish wpf application using clickonce mvc4 web site hosted on azure. found blog post , using method upload clickonce installer. i'm on webrole, slow process update, might switch 1 of new azure websites 1 of these days.


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