user interface - Checkbox not showing up python -

i making gui control robot.

this code far:

from tkinter import * #importing tkinter  class application(frame): #making frame     def __init__(self, master=none):         frame.__init__(self, master)         self.master.title("vinny's myro controller version 0.1") #setting name of program/window         self.master.geometry("550x365+300+300") #window dimensions          self.master.rowconfigure(0, weight=2) #how space rows take         self.master.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) #how space columns take          ''' \/ bottom buttons \/ '''          self.master.button1 = button(master, text = "take picture") #bottom button supposed take pic.         self.master.button1.grid(row=6, column=0,  sticky=w+e)          self.master.button2 = button(master, text = "honk horn") #bottom button supposed honk horn.         self.master.button2.grid(row=6, column=1, sticky=w+e)          self.master.button3 = button(master, text = "get sensor data") #bottom button supposed data sensors.         self.master.button3.grid(row=6, column=2, sticky=w+e)          ''' /\ bottom buttons /\ '''           ''' \/ left red frame contains arrows move robot \/ '''          self.frame1 = frame(master, bg="red") #background color         self.frame1.grid(row = 0, column = 0, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1, sticky = w+e+n+s, padx=10, pady=10)            self.frame1.forward = button(self.frame1, text = "forward", width=30, height=3) #forward button, y=75) #button position          self.frame1.right = button(self.frame1, text = "right", width=12, height=3) #right button, y=131) #button position          self.frame1.backward = button(self.frame1, text = "backward", width=30, height=3) #backward button, y=187) #button position          self.frame1.left = button(self.frame1, text = "left", width=12, height=3) #left button, y=131) #button position          ''' /\ left red frame contains arrows move robot /\ '''          self.frame2 = frame(master, bg="green")         self.frame2.grid(row = 0, column = 1, rowspan = 3, columnspan = 3, sticky = w+e+n+s, padx=10, pady=10)         self.frame2.button5 = button(self.frame2, text = "test")         self.frame2.button5.grid(row=6, column=2)          self.frame2.light = booleanvar()         self.frame2.chk1 = checkbutton(self, text = "lights", variable = self.frame2.light, command = 1+1)         self.frame2.chk1.grid(row = 0, column = 3, padx=10, pady = 10)  root = tk() app = application(master=root) app.mainloop() 

note piece of code:

self.frame2.light = booleanvar()     self.frame2.chk1 = checkbutton(self, text = "lights", variable = self.frame2.light, command = 1+1)     self.frame2.chk1.grid(row = 0, column = 3, padx=10, pady = 10) 

somehow, can place button inside frame, not checkbox. need checkbox in order data robot's sensors.

i've tried using grid , place.

could me?



the problem creating checkbutton child of self rather child of self.frame2. change checkbutton be:

self.frame2.chk1 = checkbutton(self.frame2, ...) 


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