html5 - Button is not showing up when jquery sortable list is changed -

i using jquery sortable functionality, , have list sortable, want save sorted order button show if user change sorting order otherwise button should not displayed. have written own function showbutton , calling in update attribute of jquery sortable function not working. below code:

    <script>           $(function() {     $( "#sortable" ).sortable({         placeholder: "ui-state-highlight",         cursor: 'crosshair',         update: function(event, ui) {             var order = $("#sortable").sortable("toarray");             $('#sorted_order').val(order.join(","));            showbutton();          } });     $( "#sortable" ).disableselection(); });  function showbutton() {      var field = "#somefield_id";//is field after want button show   $node = '<input type="submit" id="savebtn" value="save order">';   $(field).after($node);   }; 

please suggest if there other way to this. in advance

i assume want user able see button when have finished sorting. in case, use 'stop'. e.g.:

$( "#sortable" ).sortable({         placeholder: "ui-state-highlight",         cursor: 'crosshair',         update: function(event, ui) {             var order = $("#sortable").sortable("toarray");             $('#sorted_order').val(order.join(","));         },         stop: function() {             showbutton();         } }); 

read more in api stop.


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