jquery - Javascript string comparison not working, searched a lot? -

this code (it's bookmarklet)

    javascript:(function(){     a=document.createelement('script');     a.setattribute('src','//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js');     document.body.appendchild(a);     data='[["#txtapplicantlname","agrawal","text"],["#txtapplicantfname","aayush","text"],["#txtfather","ranjan","text"],["#txtmother","neelam","text"],["#txtpincode","452010","text"],["#txtphone","2147483647","text"],["#txtemail","aayush@mail.com","text"]]';     for(a=$.parsejson(data),b=a.length-1;0<=b;b--){         c=a[b];         if (c[2] == 'text') {             console.log(c);             $(c[0]).val(c[1]);     }     } })(); 

it used work fine until inserted if statement, broke. console doesn't give me errors , have googled lot javascript string comparison errors , found nothing useful.

i tried use equals , compareto , ended console errors , nothing working.

uncaught typeerror: cannot call method 'equals' of undefined fillform.php:1  uncaught typeerror: cannot call method 'compareto' of undefined  

help highly appreciated.

note: variables named reason, being compiled google closure compiler , if statement being edited in.

there several things wrong code; string comparison not 1 of them.

1) aren't waiting asynchronously loaded script complete. code should pretty fail because $.parsejson() isn't available. in fact, once fixed problem, code works fine me:

    (function(){         a=document.createelement('script');         a.setattribute('src','//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js');          var afterjqueryload = function() {             data='[["#txtapplicantlname","agrawal","text"],["#txtapplicantfname","aayush","text"],["#txtfather","ranjan","text"],["#txtmother","neelam","text"],["#txtpincode","452010","text"],["#txtphone","2147483647","text"],["#txtemail","aayush@mail.com","text"]]';             for(a=$.parsejson(data),b=a.length-1;0<=b;b--){                 c=a[b];                 if (c[2] == 'text') {                     console.log(c);                     $(c[0]).val(c[1]);                 }             }         };          var jqueryready = false;         a.onreadystatechange= function () {             if((this.readystate == 'complete' || this.readystate == 'loaded') && !jqueryready) {                 jqueryready = true;                 afterjqueryload();             }         };          a.onload = function() {             if(!jqueryready) {                 jqueryready = true;                 afterjqueryload();             }         };         document.body.appendchild(a);     })(); 

2) use better var names (a, b, , c not var names).

3) use var scope vars correctly. right code shadowing globals , stomping on vars within same scope; a var, example, stomp on script elem var. (you should still change var names per (2) using var not optional; must scope vars correctly.)

4) use spaces readability; for line unnecessarily difficult read having no spaces.

all now:

(function(){     var jqueryscriptelem = document.createelement('script');     jqueryscriptelem.setattribute('src', '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js');      var afterjqueryload = function() {         var data = '[["#txtapplicantlname","agrawal","text"],["#txtapplicantfname","aayush","text"],["#txtfather","ranjan","text"],["#txtmother","neelam","text"],["#txtpincode","452010","text"],["#txtphone","2147483647","text"],["#txtemail","aayush@mail.com","text"]]',             dataparsed = $.parsejson(data);         for(var dataitemindex = dataparsed.length - 1; 0 <= dataitemindex; dataitemindex--) {             var dataitem = dataparsed[dataitemindex];             if (dataitem[2] == 'text') {                 console.log(dataitem);                 $(dataitem[0]).val(dataitem[1]);             }         }     };      var jqueryready = false;     jqueryscriptelem.onreadystatechange = function () {         if((this.readystate == 'complete' || this.readystate == 'loaded') && !jqueryready) {             jqueryready = true;             afterjqueryload();         }     };      jqueryscriptelem.onload = function() {         if(!jqueryready) {             jqueryready = true;             afterjqueryload();         }     };     document.body.appendchild(jqueryscriptelem); })(); 


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