pagination - How to get choices of each item in a table in cakephp? -

this choices table

id | question_id  | content   1     1               bee  2     1               fly  3     1               dog  4     2               cat  5     2               bat  6     2               wasp 

and questions table

id |   content  1       question1  2       item2 

this did.with display question choices..what want now, paginate it,more 1 question per this?your appreciated.thanks

 $options['fields'] = array('','questions.content');     $options['joins'] = array(               array(                 'table' => 'generated_exam_items',                 'alias' => 'genexamitems',                 'type' => 'inner',                 'conditions' => array(                     'genexamitems.generated_examination_id' => 25                 )             ),             array(                 'table' => 'questions',                 'alias' => 'questions',                 'type' => 'inner',                 'conditions' => array(                      ' = genexamitems.questions_id'                 )             ),          );         $options['conditions']=array('genexamitems.generated_examination_id' => 25,''); $question_detail = $this->question->find('all',$options); $this->set('questions',$question_detail); 

someone please me.!!i dont how , im stuck in almos week..

you can using relation ship each other model

as here adding skeleton code need verify actual code real classname

in question model write relation

class question extends appmodel {     public $hasmany = array(         'choice' => array(             'classname' => 'choice',         )     ); 

and in choice model can define

class choice extends appmodel {     public $belongsto = 'question'; } 

and in controller if want fetch speacific question choices can write query below

 $question_detail = $this->question->find('first', array(         'conditions' => array('' => $question_id)     )); 

let me know if can more


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