c# - Invoke FlowLayoutPanel Mousedown handler when clicked child control -

i working in vs 2010, windows form control.

i have extended flowlayoutpanel, in dynamically add buttons

my problem mousedowneventhandler flowlayout planel executes when clicked anywhere except buttons. when clicked on button mousedowneventhandler flowlayoutpanel not called.

i tried wiring function click event handlers of buttons added panel. noticed delays due having issues working ahead.

can me this?

this propably not best approch works me:

//global mouse down handler controls in flow panel private void controlmousedown(object sender, mouseeventargs e) {     var control = (control)sender;      if (control.parent flowlayoutpanel)     {         flowlayoutpanel1_mousedown(sender, e); //if have seperate method handle click on flowpanel otherwise see reflection approach below     } } 

reflection approach:

var onmousedown = flowlayoutpanel1.gettype().getmethod("onmousedown", system.reflection.bindingflags.nonpublic | system.reflection.bindingflags.instance); onmousedown.invoke(flowlayoutpanel1, new object[] { e }); 

you can bind global event child controls in flow panel easly , works okey me. hope helped :)


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