javascript - 'Hub' is an ambiguous reference -

i'm using these libraries in application:

using signalrdemo.hubs; using microsoft.aspnet.signalr.hubs; using system.threading.tasks; using system.web.script.serialization; 

now have implement iconnect, idisconnect interface. so, added using signalr.hubs; , added function in chathub class:

   public class chathub : hub, iconnected, idisconnect      {      public task connect()             {                 //call joined method on connected clients                 return clients.joined(context.connectionid);              }      } 

client side code:

chathub.joined = function (connectionid) {                 $('#connections').append('<li>connect: ' + connectionid + '</li>');             } 

but, when build solution shows error.

   'hub' ambiguous reference between 'microsoft.aspnet.signalr.hub' , 'signalr.hubs.hub'  

you have 2 different assemblies of signalr in project. latest version uses microsoft.aspnet.signalr namespace. check assemblies , remove previous version.

otherwise need tell compiler namespace want use.

public class chathub : microsoft.aspnet.signalr.hub 


halter74 pointed out iconnected , idisconnect interfaces have been removed. onconnected, ondisconnected , onreconnected virtual methods can found on hub class.


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